An Ad Hoc Alliance Of Island Not-For-Profits and Volunteers to Support Voting Rights, and 2024 Get-Out-The-Vote (GOTV) Campaign


We three undersigned, representing several of the organizations listed below, are in the formation stage of an alliance to address these important causes and invite all interested parties to join us with their energies and ideas as we proceed to enlarge this ad hoc group’s efforts. We are desirous of others joining us in leadership as the alliance grows.

OUR INITIATIVE “Keep Democracy Alive”

We have come together to form an Alliance Steering Group to marshal our island forces to multiply our impact on the 2024 elections. Each organization would have one representative member on the Alliance Steering Group who could also be the lead person for her/his organization’s 2024 GOTV efforts. We would also open our work effort to Vineyarders who are not part of any partner organization.


Our very formation will raise awareness of the urgency of the 2024 elections, attract new volunteers, share important resources and ideas, and substantially multiply our impact beyond what any group alone could accomplish. Member organizations will continue their own work that will hopefully be enhanced by the proposed Alliance.


By sharing each organization’s ideas and plans, the Steering Group will strengthen all participants’ action plans and highlight each organization’s progress. Bonded together in the proposed alliance, we expect a groundswell of islanders’ energy to help make democracy the winner in the 2024 elections.


  1. We are all 501(c)3, 501(c)4 or other not-for-profit organizations. All actions performed under the umbrella of the Alliance would be nonpartisan and focus both on voter rights and on get-out-the-vote.
  2. At least initially, we hope to avoid fund-raising and to proceed in a shared-cost program with Alliance members bearing the relatively modest costs anticipated.
  3. We will recruit one person from among Alliance participants to help maintain communications among Alliance members, coordinate publicity including social media, and serve on the Steering Group.

With much excitement!!
Rita Brown, Carole Early, Bob Reardon (representing several of the organizations above)

Join Us!